Instantly Track your Vehicle with Car Tracker

Vehicle tracking in Winchester will save you time and money

SafeTrac Solutions Ltd are experts in providing vehicle tracking devices that will help locate cars, vans, motorbikes and mobile homes – for both personal use and business.

Real Time Vehicle Tracking in Winchester

Our live tracking feature is great for vehicles when they are lost or in an incident. It is also ideal for companies to gauge travel time, meaning they can give accurate times to customers as well as choosing best routes.

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Driver Behaviour Monitoring

With SafeTrac’s tracking devices, you can help your employees by giving them confidence when driving. Our tracker will monitor the speed of the vehicle, acceleration and braking. It can also help if there is an accident in the vehicle and ultimately help with efficiency and operations.

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Street View

Street View is a feature in our devices that gives you a greater insight into the ways and places that your units are driven. This feature of the system allows you to visually see where your driver is and has been. When you combine this with the driver behaviour monitoring, you are able to get a full picture as to why certain actions were taken.

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Defined User Places

With our vehicle trackers, you can access predefined user locations. This means you are able to easily set routes to regularly visited places as well as monitor the progress of your units as they are out on the road allowing you to decide on routes to avoid in the future that will help to reduce fuel costs and increase productivity.

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Vehicle Tracking for fleet with SafeTrac means:

Increase in

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How can this mean better productivity?  The live tracker updates your drivers with live traffic information and delays. This leads to more efficient planning and more jobs completed.

Reduction in

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Make significant reductions in operational costs, as you are able to have a more efficient route planning, accurate overtime payments and putting a stop to unauthorised vehicle use and engine idling.

Improvement to Customer Service

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You’ll be more confident and sure of your time and promises to your customers with the GPS tracker.  You can give accurate information to customers, speed up turnaround times and respond to urgent enquiries more easily.

Ensure Safety and Security

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Increased unit security by knowing their exact location 24/7.  Our panic button features are also compliant with current legislation.

Our Car Tracker Options

Below are examples of some of our car and vehicle tracking options.
Please get in touch with your specific requirements so that we can help you choose the right tracker for your needs.

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To find out more about our vehicle tracking systems
Contact our expert advisers 
01489 600900

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