Why choose Safetrac?
From talking to customers there are numerous reasons why they chose SafeTrac , one of the main reasons being the cost saving; ranging from a minimum of 10% but usually in excess of 25%. These cost savings arise from a variety of factors including the use of less vehicles, reductions in sub-contract transport costs and optimised route planning.
- Software-as-a-Service delivery automation solution
- Order cut off to completed delivery
- Low risk, cloud-based, pay-as- you-go software
- Seamless integration with existing software
- Easy to implement, easy to use
As well as cost saving the number of reported improved customers service is also apparent as your customer gets the delivery when they want it with the right vehicles, creating the opportunity for an improved customer/ supplier relationship. SafeTrac have built up a strong reputation for operational, strategic, business development functionality and capability through optimisation software.