Route Optimiser

SafeTrac  are a global logistics solutions provider for route optimisation software. SafeTrac have been supplying software solutions for over 30 years, with every member the SafeTrac Senior Management team collectively having served 25 years directly within the logistics industry.

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Why choose Safetrac?

From talking to customers there are numerous reasons why they chose SafeTrac , one of the main reasons being the cost saving; ranging from a minimum of 10% but usually in excess of 25%. These cost savings arise from a variety of factors including the use of less vehicles, reductions in sub-contract transport costs and optimised route planning.

  • Software-as-a-Service delivery automation solution
  • Order cut off to completed delivery
  • Low risk, cloud-based, pay-as- you-go software
  • Seamless integration with existing software
  • Easy to implement, easy to use


As well as cost saving the number of reported improved customers service is also apparent as your customer gets the delivery when they want it with the right vehicles, creating the opportunity for an improved customer/ supplier relationship. SafeTrac  have built up a strong reputation for operational, strategic, business development functionality and capability through optimisation software.

Introducing RouteOptimiser from safetrac

Continuing from the successful  SafeTrac & Maxoptra  offer a range of Route Optimiser software . To simplify our range and make it easy to understand. we offer demonstrations and live view :

  • Enables users to:
  • Optimize routes
  • Dispatch to drivers
  • Control progress
  • Adjust in real-time
  • Communicate ETA to customers
  • Report on performance and service level

Brand NEW for the Cloud  systems, we are adding the flexibility of access via multiple browsers for all types of devices and tablets. The updated On Premise option now has Drag & Drop interactive route building to enhance usability.

Tracking & Execution ePod Partners

SafeTrac are proud to be in partnership with a variety of suppliers that are able to provide solutions for TMS, Tracking, Navigation & ePod.

proven to be effective for thousands of organisations worldwide.

Whether you are looking to improve your transport planning, software integration for WMS/TMS or saving money while delivering an excellent customer service, then SafeTrac have the experience, software and partnerships to provide the correct solutions for your business.


We are very excited to announce our partnership with Geotab; a global leader in IoT and connected transportation. Geotab via its reseller Safetrac, offer tracking capabilities which help Fleet Managers’ to improve productivity, safety and ELD compliance with the use of big data.

Our newly integrated solution leverages vehicle and tracking data collected via Geotab to provide Fleet Managers’ with sought-after intelligence on journey routes and times, data and fuel consumption, driver behaviour and vehicle maintenance. All to further improve operating efficiency and boost customer service.

Both systems are powerful in their own right, but when combined users can really boost their distribution performance. Let’s look at some of the Maxoptra features that work best when partnered with Geotab and Safetrac:

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