Top Tips for Drivers
TOP TIPS FOR DRIVING IN WINDY WEATHER Here is a list of things you could do when driving in windy conditions on the road. 1.Check the Wind Speed When Planning A Trip Before you even get on the road you should be checking weather while you are planning your trip. Make sure […]
Know Where Your Vehicles Are, And Where They’ve Been.
Do you know where your vehicles are? And where they have been? Know where your vehicles are, As an employer you can check your drivers are carrying out their duties as expected and optimise routes and assign projects based on nearest-available drivers. You can also monitor vehicle mileage and hours clocked to improve maintenance and safety. Monitor […]
Introducing SafeTrac Dashboard

Welcome to the SAFETRAC FLEET Manager Dashboard The dashboard is a sophisticated asset tracking solution for your vehicles. You can monitor all your mobile assets and the drivers behind the wheel For years, SafeTrac has been helping you to keep track of your assets and vehicles. Now, we want to help you keep a track of […]